Saturday, January 14, 2012

The Opportune Moment

Towards the end of “Curse of the Black Pearl”, Captain Jack Sparrow tells Will Turner, “If you were waiting for the opportune moment – that was it.” You see, Will is in love with Elizabeth Swann, but he’s afraid to tell her. He’s “waiting for the opportune moment”. Problem is… it never seems to come. He lets chance after chance pass him by. 

How often do we wait for our own opportune moment, only to find that it has once again passed us by? How often do we find ourselves wanting do something but feeling like we need to wait until we have just a little more money? Just a little more free time? Just a little more training or knowledge? Just a little more assurance of success? 

Jack isn’t speaking to a specific point in time. He’s really saying that we make our own opportune moments. We’re surrounded by opportune moments. 

Every moment is an opportune moment.

We’re taking advantage of the opportune moment to prepare for Thailand. Yes, it means that we have to get rid of a lot of our stuff. Yes, it means that we need to try and find people who will partner with us both prayerfully and financially for at least the next few years. Yes, it means learning about a new culture, eating new food, and living in a new climate. 

We don’t create opportune moments, God provides us with opportune moments. All of us. Are you waiting for the opportune moment? This is it.

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