Thursday, April 17, 2014

Staying Focused

One of my favorite Tom Cruise movies is The Last Samurai, but it's probably not for the reason you think. I'm not a huge Tom Cruise fan. The reason I like the movie is that Tom Cruise - repeatedly - gets his butt kicked (I know, it's not very spiritual)(Sorry). But I also like the reason he gets his butt kicked. At one point he is told by his butt kickers that he is "of too many minds".

I love that phrase; "of too many minds". For Tom, it implies that he is trying to do too much. He needs to be focused. He needs to concentrate on one thing at a time.

I was asked the other evening what things we're most intimidated by in our upcoming overseas ministry journey. My initial response was that we were intimidated by the prospect of learning the language and the culture well enough to not embarrass our kids. After the first few months, though, it would probably morph into the general feeling of culture shock and homesickness and the "what have I done?" syndrome. But, as I more explore this, I wonder if it isn't the fear that we will become "of too many minds". Trying to fit in and do ministry and educate our kids and get along with teammates and measure nebulous results and raise finances and... you get the idea.

I think the fear is that we'll lose our focus because of all the other stuff we feel like we have to do. Our focus needs to be Jesus. Starting now.

All around us, people are asking how they can pray for us. The simple answer: pray that we're not so focused on the work of the Lord that we lose sight of the Lord of the work. We, like maybe just about everyone, need help and encouragement to fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. And to maintain praying that not just now while we prepare to go, but also when we're there and have been for however many months it might be.

Pray that we're not "of too many minds". Because the lesson from The Last Samurai is that if we have too many minds, we will most assuredly get our spiritual butts kicked.


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